BarBound FUND
Research Memorandum (2 issues)
Research Memorandum (3 issues)
Research Memorandum (1 issue)
Arbitral or Mediation Briefs drafted in Spanish (0-200pp)
Arbitral or Mediation Briefs (0-200 pp)
Issue Spotting/Argument Identification add-on
Immigration Briefs
Trial Brief (0-100pp)
Trial Brief (101-200 pp)
Trial Brief (201-300pp)
Trial Brief (301-400pp)
Trial Brief (401-500pp)
Motion/Petition (1 basis for the motion)
Motion/Petition (2 bases for the motion)
Motion/Petition (3 bases for the motion)
Opposition/Response to Motion/Petition (1 basis for the opposition/response)
Opposition/Response to Motion/Petition (2 bases for the opposition/response)
Opposition/Response to Motion/Petition (3 bases for the opposition/response)
Reply to a Motion/Petition's Response (1 basis for the reply)
Reply to a Motion/Petition's Response (2 bases for the reply)
Reply to a Motion/Petition's Response (3 bases for the reply)
Appellate Brief (0-200 pp)
Appellate Brief (201-400 pp)
Appellate Brief (401-600 pp)
Appellate Brief (601-800 pp)